God has positioned Free to Be Ministries to be a beacon of His light in Northeast Ohio, cultivating more healing, hope, strength, and unity with His compassion and love. We are uniquely qualified and equipped to provide the depth of integrative services needed to help individuals rewrite their story.
All of our services are priced to be accessible and much lower than traditional counseling or events. Beyond that, we offer scholarships to attendees and clients experiencing financial hardship or low income. We believe no one should be excluded from healing, and work to provide our services to every individual seeking them.
Now, more than ever, we feel an urgency to help the individuals, couples, children, and the ministry leaders we serve go deeper and be anchored to the one who heals and sets free. We are committed to the vision and mission of the ministry, equipping people to live whole, empowered and free to be who God has made them and to have a greater impact in the world around.
So today, we are asking you to partner with us financially -- to help hurting people find healing to live whole, empowered and free in Christ and make a greater impact for the kingdom of God.
Free To Be Ministries is a non-profit organization. Your donation and support helps our ministry grow and help others find freedom. All monetary donations are tax deductible via the receipt you'll receive in your email following your donation. You can securely give below. Thank you for your support.
You can also support us by gifting us items from our Amazon Wishlist. Some items are for office use and other items are requested by our counselors to be used in sessions. These items are not tax deductible, but help our team immensely.